
These are some of the things I do in my spare time to try to make our world a better place.

Elected Member of the Division of Planetary Sciences' Nominating Subcommittee, 2023–2026
As a member of the DPS Nominating Subcommittee, I help find nominees for leadership roles in the DPS every year. These positions include Vice Chair, DPS Committee, and Student Representative (every other year). I am one of three members and will be the chair of this subcommittee in 2026.
Selected Member of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Planetary Science Director's Council, 2024–2025.
I was part of the first group of early career scientists in the 690 Division at NASA Goddard to be a part of the Planetary Science Director's Council. In this role, I helped shape and define the role of early career scientists in 690 and the ways we could contribute to the future in support of NASA Goddard's wider goals. We also hosted the first (hopefully) annual Early Career Scientist Retreat for anyone new to Goddard in the past year. Because most of us are not civil servants, we never had an official "on boarding" to Goddard and all its resources. The PSDC solved this issue by forming our own day-long event where 70 total people came to learn about how to be a scientist at Goddard.

Though I have now concluded my tenure on the PSDC, I am proud of what we did and hope to see all the good work continue!
Elected Member of the SESE Graduate Council, 2015–2018
While a graduate student in the School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State, I served on the SESE Graduate Student Council. My first year I was a graduate student liaison, my second year I was the recruitment chair, and my third and final year I was vice president. 

I co-wrote a letter on behalf of the graduate students to the septennial review committee that evaluated SESE. Because of these efforts, the review committee was able to name specific improvements for SESE to focus on to improve the graduate program, which included a 3% raise every academic year. I also led the analysis of and wrote the first report for the now-annual SESE Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey. The team presented it to the SESE Leadership Committee in September 2019. That survey and report are now the baseline for all future work done to improve the SESE Grad program. Please contact me directly if you would like a copy of that report, as the data are sensitive.
This is me presenting to potential graduate students at the official SESE recruitment event in 2018 about the department and program as Vice President of the SESE Graduate Council

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